Ortley Beach

Ortley Beach Churches

a view of the Ortley Beach Episcopal Church on 3rd aveSaint Elizabeth's Episcopal Chapel

5 3rd Ave., Ortley Beach, New Jersey

The Episcopal Chapel is located just beyond the beach parking lot found at the (ocean) end of 3rd Ave. Services are held at 9 A.M. Sunday morning, except from July through Labor Day when there are services held at 8:00 A.M and at 9:30 A.M.

The chapel was built in 1885 and is believed to be the oldest structure in Ortley Beach. Summer services have church signbeen held there continuously ever since the chapel was first built.

You can find out more about the chapel and their services at their website.


Other churches

The Episcopal Chapel is the only house of worship in Ortley Beach. Services are also regularly held at Lavallette churches and Seaside Heights churches.


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